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Community Room Rental


Henderson Fire District

Community Room Usage Guidelines

Failure to follow these guidelines may mean you are barred from using the community room again!

Only residents of the town of Henderson may reserve the community room.

  • The use of this facility is a privilege. Special circumstances may arise that cause a conflict regarding your event. We will do our utmost to make acceptable arrangements for you if this occurs.

  • When events are back-to-back, it may be impossible to clean the hall properly. Staff and volunteers will do their best. Please show them respect.

  • Tentative reservations are to be made with Operations Coordinator Eric Anderson (315-955-2800.) No one else may accept tentative reservations.

  • DO NOT write your event on the community room calendar.

  • Alcohol may be served only with special permission and proof of insurance.

  • The nominal reservation fee is $20 per day. If you do not pay the fee and sign the contract within 48 hours of making your tentative reservation, you will lose it and the time slot will be opened to others.

  • The fee will be charged for: all fundraisers; all private parties; meetings of special-interest groups that are not regularly scheduled meetings; all dinner meetings and/or other events held by any organization using the kitchen.

  • The fee is waived for: regularly scheduled meetings as noted on front bulletin board (dinner meetings excluded); Boy Scout meetings/events; Girl Scout meetings/events; town meetings & public hearings; "in-house" events (Fire District, Fire Department, Ambulance Squad, Auxiliary, library); and private parties held by members of Fire Department, Ambulance Squad, Auxiliary.

  • The operations coordinator may waive the fee at his discretion.

  • If there is no scheduled use of the room the night before your event, you may set up that night AFTER 7 p.m. for no additional fee. Keep in mind this building is NOT a secure building, and the Henderson Fire District WILL NOT guarantee the security of your possessions left in this building.

  • Restrict your traffic to the community room, kitchen, front foyer and table storage area only. DO NOT enter the truck bays, firefighter lounge or furnace area. DO NOT touch any HFD radios.

  • If the library is open during your event, please keep your event and your guests from interfering with the peaceful operation of the library.

  • The walk-in cooler is available with advance notice. The Fire Department's ice machine and the barbecue pit are NOT included in your reservation.

  • You may use the folding tables and chairs, but it is your responsibility to set them up and put them away properly. Tables and chairs DO NOT leave the building for any reason.

  • Keep doors closed when the air conditioning is on.

  • Use the ventilation fan when cooking. Burning food will set off the fire alarm.

  • Notice the locations of fire extinguishers in the kitchen and community room.

  • Television, DVD, overhead projector and projection screen may be used.

  • There is NO SMOKING in the building. Use butt caddies outside community room and front doors. DO NOT THROW BUTTS ON THE GROUND.

  • DO NOT use confetti, glitter or smoke or fog machines; or cover exit signs or alarms; or use tape on walls or murals.

  • Sweep floors as necessary before leaving. Wipe up spills, but DO NOT MOP.

  • Remove your items from the refrigerator and walk-in cooler, and wipe off the stove and all food preparation areas before leaving.

  • Wash all dishes you used and put them away.

  • Flush toilets before leaving and turn off all lights and appliances. Close doors, closets, cupboards and windows.

  • Take your trash home with you. We provide trash bags. Your reservation
    DOES NOT include use of the Fire District's dumpster.

  • Report any problems to Eric Anderson or other Fire District officials. Names and phone numbers are posted on the office door in the front foyer.

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